If you are, then you’re likely wondering what the best way of doing this is. Rather than choosing to make your Will online, you may decide that you want something that is expertly written.
You want to know that there won’t be any problems with your Will so that when you die your family will have peace of mind.
When deciding to make your Will, work and family commitments may mean that a meeting during the day is not always possible.
Because of this, we also offer weekend and evening appointments . Equally, with our Will writing service, we can also visit you in your home at a time that’s suitable for you.
Our home visit service offers the perfect solution that allows you to plan your future in the comfort of your own home.
When it comes to making your Will, our home visit service offers you some benefits. A home visit can include features like:
Flexible appointments
Face to Face meetings
An informed decision.
No need to prepare.
We make things more convenient for you so that you and your loved ones have peace of mind.
By coming to your home, we can meet with you at a time that best fits in with your needs. You will have the chance to talk with one of our Will writers face to face in the comfort of your own home.
Our Will writers will talk you through the process of making your Will. As well as helping you with the things that you need to think about, they can also answer any questions you might have.
Since the meeting takes place in your home, you will not always need to think about what documents or information you’ll need in advance. With a home visit, we make sure that any decision you reach is a fully informed decision.
No matter what your situation is, you and your family can know that your Will is valid and provides everyone with peace of mind.